School Meal Information & Menus 2024-25
Our school meals are provided by Doncaster Council's Schools Catering.
Our meals offer an exciting choice of healthy, fresh food at excellent value.
We believe that school meals represent the best option in terms of contributing to a healthy diet and value for money, when compared to other sources of food available to children for their mid day meal, i.e. packed lunches.
All our menus comply with current food and nutritional standards.
As well as offering a choice of meals each day in most schools, some schools have a ‘family service’ where two pupils serve their table with food. We also provide special menus for young people from different ethnic groups and where young people need to follow a special diet as recommended by a doctor or hospital, we can make suitable arrangements.
Since September 2006, our pork has been locally reared at Marr Grange.
Taster sessions are held in schools to introduce pupils to new dishes and receive feedback.
The service works closely with schools and can provide classroom support with nutritional talks and food sampling.

If you feel that your child may be entitled to free school meals, please contact us on 01302 735336 or contact Sharon Coates at the School Office who will also be able to help.