Online Safety at Town Field Primary

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Safer Schools helps entire school communities to better protect themselves in the Digital World, through delivering contemporary and relevant safeguarding information to teachers, pupils, parents and carers.

Our Safer Schools App, delivered in partnership with Zurich Municipal, helps get people the right information when and wherever they need it.

Online Safety at Town Field

At Town Field Primary we are aware of the importance of computers in everyday society and want to provide our pupils with the skills to safely access and use the internet.  We provide opportunities for children to access the internet where they are supervised and supported by adults. During their time at school, they access age appropriate websites and learn how to safely use the internet to support their learning. Our computers are safe for pupils to use and access to website and inappropriate content is filtered to keep our children safe.

Children are exposed to learning about internet safety in a number of different ways and that are embedded throughout out curriculum.


Internet - Safety Curriculum

At Town Field we use Gooseberry Planet to support the teaching of our Internet-safety curriculum. This helps to provide age appropriate internet safety information for all children across school. The skills and knowledge are designed to progress thoughout school and key themes are revisited.





Computing Curriculum

Our computing curriculum,  Purple Mash, also makes close links to internet safety. Teachers are encouraged to make these links clear to pupils and to recap and build on their knowledge of internet safety.

Computing within PSHE

The PSHE Curriculum at Town Field addresses key areas of internet safety. Similarly to the Internet-safety curriculum, it progresses as children move through skills developing their knowledge and understanding. Within these lessons, teachers make clear links to computing.





Parental information

On our school website, we provide up to date internet safety information for our parents. These include information on
supporting their children to use the internet carefully and guides on a number of apps which children may be using.


Throughout the year assemblies linking to things such as internet safety week are done to share information with children. Internet safety is seen as a priority within school for staff and pupils.





Staff Training

Staff are given relevant information on how to support children online. Any updates or concerns can be shared with staff during briefings. Staff take part in CPD to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge to deliver an effective curriculum.



At Town Field we use Gooseberry planet to teach pupils about internet safety.

We have reviewed and adapted the curriculum to best meet the needs of our children and ensure they are getting appropriate information about how to stay safe online.

Year 1


Year 2






Year 3

Whole class led by teacher

Online People

Personal Information

Online Reputation

Online Information


Gooseberry Playground

Intro / Rapid Fire Quiz

People Online

Personal Information

Perfect Passwords

Fake Profiles

Selfie Safe






Gooseberry Playground

Sharing online (Copyright)

Video Chat

Online Bullying

Online Gaming


Post Rapid Fire Quiz











Year 4


Year 5






Year 6

Gooseberry Street

Intro/ Rapid Fire Quiz

People Online

Perfect Password

Staying Private Online

Safe Sharing

Location Sharing

Online Gaming

Chatting Online

Keeping Healthy online


Post Rapid Fire Quiz



Gooseberry Village

Digital Footprint


Webcam Wise

Sharing Safely

Online Gaming


Illegal Downloads

Downloading Apps


Perfect Passwords

Post Rapid Fire Quiz






Gooseberry Town

Intro / Rapid Fire Quiz

Digital Footprint

Junk Email

Location Sharing

Extreme Promises

Video Chat

Online Bullying


Fake Profiles

Pop Up Messages

Post Rapid Fire Quiz


Files to Download

Town Field Primary School

Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2JS

Town Field Primary School, Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2JS01302

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